Sunday, March 6, 2011

Busy, busy, busy....

Is anyone surprised?

I finally got internet connection at my flat last Thursday.  I'm able to get work done!  (and video call my husband, which is more important)  It's amazing how interdependent we are on this technology.  When I first started college more than ten years ago, I distinctly remember Dr. Allen Rice telling the class not to go online for research, and not to trust the internet.  Now, you can't access a library catalog, access journal articles, or contact colleagues without the silly thing.  Journal articles that are not anthologized are digitized and only available through services like JSTOR.  Ask a librarian (less than 50 years old) about the card catalog and you get a blank stare.  Even inter-library loan for anything less than 50 pages is just digitized and sent to your email box.   All communication for business or education purposes is also conducted, almost exclusively, through email, which makes it difficult to know about meetings and the like if you don't have access.

The point to the whole ramble is that I can now get some serious work done, without resorting to lugging my laptop to the school library only to get online to do the work I could be doing at the house.  Less wasted time = (theoretically) more work done.

On a more personal front, I'm now involved in a few other things to fill my time.  I've been attending conferences, discussion groups (one organized by me at the 'request' of my thesis director), attending workshops, and other school/education related activities.  I've also been called as my ward's music director, joined a choir that will be performing for the 400th anniversary of the printing of the King James Bible on June 11 as a tenor, and have a part in the ward roadshow.  (For those not in the know, a road show is a short play, 12-15 minutes, put on by church members, with several church groups performing the same night)  I do all this so I have something to do with my copious spare time while doing a doctorate, because it is so easy, and not at all time consuming.  (Did you catch the sarcasm of that last sentence? I thought you might have.) 

But for all that, I should be able to post more often, now that I have access to the internet whenever I want it instead of whenever it becomes available.  I haven't forgotten about posting pictures, but have to wait for a connection cable for my camera, as my computer won't read the memory card, even with an adapter.  Chet said he would be sending one along, because they don't sell them here.

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