Sunday, December 5, 2010

First London excursion

Today I’m on the train to London, so I can attend a symposium for Medievalists at the British Library on Monday.  I’m really excited about both the travel and symposium.  I get to see some of the countryside and meet curators at the Library, some of which I might be working with.  It feels almost pretentious to write about working with curators of the British Library, but there we are.  It is part of my work now.

Remind me not to buy a car here.  Far too expensive.  I stopped by a petrol station yesterday to buy some lunch (including a peach barley squash I’m drinking now) and the price of petrol was £11.89 a liter!  And you thought gas was expensive in the States.  If my father-in-law knew it was that expensive, he’d blow a gasket.

I bought my first cell phone yesterday in a shop on Market Street.  I accidentally found Market Street by walking through another shop called Boots, which sells general merchandise.  It is definitely an outdoor street, though large sections of it are actually under second and third stories of surrounding buildings.  It’s kind of like a large mall where the thoroughfare of the main floor is outside.  I’m not sure I’m describing it very well.

It did take me a while to realize that when the shop attendants asked “Are you ok?” they were actually asking if I needed some help, rather than asking if I was feeling well.  I finally understood when I was talking with a real estate agency I happened across while wandering lost in downtown Manchester.

I’ll need to set up a local bank account on Tuesday.  I must have one before I can get a better cell (the one I have is basically a throwaway so I can call around looking for a flat), get set up at school, and rent a flat.  That will not be terribly fun, really.  The exchange rate right now is moderately awful.  I pulled out £200 and $325 was deducted from my bank account.  Ouch.  On the other hand, I still have £70+ after four days of cabs, meals, and miscellaneous needs like the phone.  I also need to be certain that my funding is still set up for next semester.  I’m sure it still is, but it is best to check. 

(Hours later)
The train ended up being delayed due to some traffic signal difficulties.  We sat looking at the English countryside for two hours longer than was originally intended.  A gal named Karen was on the PA every few minutes, sounding more and more exasperated at time went by, basically announcing that she had no information but that she would let us know something when she did.  

I spent the ride next to a lovely young married couple.  He was from the Midlands and she was from Turkey.  They were very sweet together and obviously terribly in love.  I finished two more tatted snowflakes on the trip and gave them to the couple.  People may not remember me, but little bits of my work are now floating around Britain.  Pure vanity, I'm sure, but still a fun thought.

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